You Cause Beautiful


Sponsor one iPod Touch - $200

By providing an single iPod touch for one student, you are helping us meet them where they're at, and show them that their voice has reach.

Sponsor a class set of iPod Touches - $2,000

By purchasing a class set of iPod touches, you are empowering a group of youth to use their eyes as their voice.

Sponsor a W.H.Y. Project Gallery Show - $12,000

For many of the W.H.Y. Project students who are not strong in math and science, photography allows them to excel. Providing students the opportunity to stand beside their work, brings a level of confidence that they've never experienced before.

Sponsor a project site for one semester - $20,000

By sponsoring a project site you are providing the opportunity to start a W.H.Y. Project at a new location. From initial gear cost to teacher stipend to gallery prints, you can make it all happen.

Sponsor a project site for a full year - $50,000

By providing year long photo education for one project site, you are providing constant mentorship and initial start up cost for a new project site for a full year.

Photographer's Choice

A donation of any size helps. Whatever you choose to give, we will put to good use.